Google Map is a web mapping service offered by Google. It is one of the finest services provided by Google that help businesses to reach their customers easily and effortlessly. Recently they have updated Maps with 4 innovative features that will help businesses and improve searches. These features will not only improve the users experience but also help businesses to connect with a wider audience through this platform. Let’s check the new updates that will be useful to you: Messaging from Maps & Search: To make the work more effortless Google has come up with Read More …
Tag: Google Maps app
Google Stopped Booking Uber Rides through Maps
Google has stopped booking Uber facilities for users directly through Google Maps app. This feature has been around since 2017 which helped number of consumers to book through few clicks directly through maps. But recently without any intimation Google have just update to the “request a ride” help page about this feature. “You can no longer book Uber rides directly in Google Maps. But you can still look up the route in the Maps app and then request the ride from the Uber app” Earlier consumers were able to hunt for booking and pay for Read More …