Digital Marketing Assist Me to Polish My Career in Marketing – Piyush Batri

Piyush-Batri Proideators-Reviews-Digital-Marketing-Course-Student-Thane-Mumbai

Meet Mr. Piyush Batri, a young, versatile and dynamic talent who believes that even after completion of graduation young graduates need to learn new skills to polish their career. Currently he is pursuing the Online Master’s Program in Digital Marketing at ProiDeators. He is a passionate learner and ready to experiment something new in advertising. During the webinar Talk Show we have asked Piyush to share his experiences with others. Let’s read his story in his own words: Welcome to Proideators Talk Show! Before we take this ahead we would like to hear a bit Read More …

How to Generate a Second Source of Income as a Digital Marketer At Home?

How to Generate a Second Source of Income as a Digital Marketer At Home

Every one of us wants to be successful and earn more money. People take the help of different mediums to generate incomes. One of the most popular mediums these days are digital marketing skills. Digital marketing skills are the most sorted skills that can help you to earn in different methods and can make more money out of it. With time and efforts people can learn different tactics in digital marketing and can improve their skills set to grow their career graph. But before assuming as a digital marketer you need to learn the concept Read More …

YouTube Introducing 5 New Features for LiveStreams

YouTube Introducing 5 New Features for LiveStreams - ProiDeators

YouTube is planning to introduce livestreams for viewers and creators with five new features. In which few of the elements are in beta versions and others will roll out by the end of the year. These new features are previewed in a video on YouTube’s creator insider channel. This comprises of: ‘Go Live Together’ – Collaborative Livestreaming: YouTube is currently rolling a small test of a feature called Go live Together. This is a joint streaming feature for mobile devices. Go live Together will facilitate creators to invite guests to stream with them by sending Read More …

How To Outsource Your SEO Projects To Freelancers?

How To Outsource Your SEO Projects To Freelancers

Whether you are new to the industry or hold years of experiences working with freelancers, going with smooth and simple tactics will facilitate your brand to get best out of your freelancer team. At the same time it is important to have engaging interaction and accountability for any SEO prospects. When you deal with freelancer make them understand what are your key points and what are you searching for. Once you make them understand task becomes easy for freelancers to deliver the best optimizing result to their clients. Let’s check some of the key elements Read More …

How Facebook Marketing Will Help to Boost Your Brand?

How Facebook Marketing Will Help to Boost Your Brand

There are a number of benefits using social media marketing platforms for the business. Facebook being the biggest and well-known platform, which helps brands to create a productive marketing base. So why hesitate to use it in a different style? Facebook audiences are the active participants of the platform and to target these audiences it is one of the finest business platforms to use. This surely facilitates audiences on a large scale, engage B2B and B2C marketing, and target potential audiences while developing credible business customer relationships. Let’s understand how Facebook Marketing will boost your Read More …

How To Gain Followers For Your Social Media Business Pages

How To Gain Followers For Your Social Media Business Pages

Brand and businesses use social media handle on a regular basis to connect with their audience, raise brand awareness, increase traffic and sales for the business. With an engaged following, one can effectively promote their business. Sometime business profile page hold good amount of followers but they lack to hold the grip to get engaged with their audience. However to get engage with the audience and to increase the followers one has to learn the tricks and techniques about social media platform: Work with Influencers: Influencer marketing is a kind of advertising that influence the Read More …

How to Become Productive Freelancer in Digital Marketing?

How to Become Productive Freelancer in Digital Marketing - ProiDeators Media

Freelancing is one of the key role that every person feels to go for. Its a kind of job that helps to acquire more income, work independently and can even take this opportunity as second source of income. Such type of work is only possible when you hold a good amount of experience into digital marketing and can manage the work independently. Sounds Interesting! Well this opportunity can be grabbed when you have digital marketing certification and expertise into the domain where you can differentiate yourself from others in this category. The competition is quite Read More …

How To Organize Link Management for Affiliate Marketing?


Do you want to earn more profits through Affiliate marketing? Then you need to focus on link management to assist you manage your campaigns precisely. If you are a serious affiliate advertiser then you might acquire lots of affiliate brands over a time and you might assemble links to 1000s of products in just a couple of months. Without proper link management, keeping a track of your link would be really challenging. Thus using a proper link management channel will assist you to search and setup particular link at a time and utilize in a Read More …

YouTube Inaugurate Clips for Live Streams

YouTube Inaugurate Clips for Live Streams ProiDeators Media

YouTube has launched clips for creators live streams and VODs. YouTube is monitoring new element called clips that facilitate consumers to create short, shareable videos out of creators live streams. Clipping is a standard element in live streaming and it’s finally being approved by YouTube. It allows creators and audience to take the footage from live stream between 5 to 60 seconds in length and share it with other people. Audience try to create clips from streams that has humorous moment, interesting story, motivational quote, embarrassing blooper, extraordinary play in a video and so on. Read More …

What will be the Future of Online Educations in India?

What will be the Future of Online Educations in India ProiDeators Media

In India during the time of Covid-19, lots of people have started chasing the internet because that’s the only way to connect with their clients, businesses, school educations, higher education’s, etc.  Entire world was facing such a problem and people all across the globe understood the benefits of online learning. No doubt, people were scared, shattered but gradually they started with the regular activated right at the comfort zone. Online education has gained lots of popularity over the web because it has power to influence and get students engaged. students were participating in online learning Read More …

How to Become a Successful Social Media Influencer?

How to Become a Successful Social Media Influencer ProiDeators Media

Social media is one of the booming platforms that connect millions of audiences all across the globe. If the platform is utilized effectively then it becomes easy to influence social media audiences. There are a number of steps that can assist your brand to grow online through digital platforms and connect with a wider audience.  In simple words, a social media influencer is a person who builds credibility and loyalty about the brand, product and services that has power to influence the audience. It is difficult to create a brand at the initial stage but Read More …

How Advertising Agency Help to Boost Your Brand?

How Advertising Agency Help to Boost Your Brand ProiDeators Media

There are number of organizations that come up with digital solution for their clients and consumers. They provide diverse services digitally that can assists the clients business development and nurture their growth efficiently. They not only understand their client’s problems but also boost their brand through digital platforms. In this case there are Pros and Cons that one has to understand before giving any project to this marketing agency. Important note to keep in mind is where your business is lacking. What kind of services are you searching for? Which type of agency you need Read More …

Top Famous Indian Bloggers Making Massive Money

Top Famous Indian Bloggers Making Massive Money ProiDeators Media

Blogging has become of the most popular and lucrative profession by today’s standard. According to some research, there is going to be 31.7 million bloggers by 2020 in the USA alone. That number itself speaks about the significance of this profession and why more people are leaving their conventional job to become bloggers. In the context of India, blogging has gained a lot of popularity here too, with all the famous bloggers who are generating a huge chunk of money every single month. Top Indian Bloggers Now, let us dig dipper into these Indian bloggers, Read More …

Wanted To Develop & Achieve New Heights in Digital Marketing, Choose “ProiDeators” – Sunita Rajbhar

Sunita Rajbhar ProiDeators

Meet ProiDeators Sunita Rajbhar, a Beautiful, Confident, and energetic lady from Mumbai, who desire to be Independent. After her Graduation she started her career as a graphic designer and was completely fascinated with the industry norms. After the couple of years in her graphic designing job she thought of giving a new touch where she can include digital into her career. Here the story begins:   Currently she is working as Sr. Project Consultant in her organization where she handles number of B2B clients and influences them through her digital skills. In a small chit-chat Read More …

5 Tips To Write Catchy Headline That Helps To Drive Traffic & Clicks

5 Tips To Write Catchy Headline That Helps To Drive Traffic & Clicks Proideators

Wondering how to create an Appealing Headline that helps to drive traffic and clicks for the business?  It just requires little efforts that are absolutely relevant to the content, contain keywords and fascinate the viewer’s attentions.  Catchy Headlines of the book can tempt audience to read the story and understand the concept. Well, there is no such specific formula to writing a Headline, but there are certain useful writing tips that will help you to win the race on the battle ground. 5 Headline Tips That Drive Traffic & Clicks: Understand The Business concept: Writer Read More …

How to Get Promoted In Digital World: Strategies for Moving Up the Career Ladder!

In this competitive world, none of them wants to stay behind or get even stuck in the same position for the longer period of time. Everyone has to prove themselves in their prospective job roles and need to deliver the best results to get the success in the respective field.  But sometimes even after lots of efforts and hard work people get stuck into their work and this gives a negative impact on their appraisals. To get out of these things below are the key strategies to boost your career in the prospective domains: In Read More …

Proideators Makes You a Master in Digital Marketing – Ankit Majethia

I started researching about digital marketing course and realized it is so much more than what it is. It was so much fascinating to me that I decided I should learn about it and possibly make a career out of it. It was time to figure out where will I learn from? Since I am a student I wanted to learn it quickly so that I could update my cv. If took me quite a few days to finally zero in on one ace where I could learn. I remember the day I had visited Read More …

Learn How To Fascinate Visitors And Convince Them to Buy The Products Through Digital Mediums?

Learn How To Fascinate Visitors And Convince Them to Buy The Products Through Digital Mediums Proideators

Do you have a business but are unable to attract customers? Are your sales too low and have no idea what to do in order to increase them? Well, there are many ways one can do this. The best method one can rectify this situation easily and these methods will not cost you hefty. All one must do is find out smart yet easy digital marketing strategies to help you win lots of buyers within a short span of time. Let us explore different ways that can truly nurture SEO traffic constantly: Email Marketing: This Read More …

8 Essential Digital Marketing Tools for an Internet Marketer

8 Essential Digital Marketing Tools for an Internet Marketer Proideators

Counted as the most crucial aspects of marketing and brand recognition, digital marketing marks the trends for boosting all the business operations for organizations of any size and niche. Bring up to date with the trends and technology that digital marketers use to keep the presence of a brand on the top in the digital space is important. However, this is difficult to manage single-handedly. Knowing the advanced digital marketing tools is the best way an internet marketer can plan for an ace marketing and brand awareness of an organization. Below are mentioned the 8  Read More …

Growth hacking courses- make your way up to the top by using it

How to evolve the online lead generation process for your business Proideators

One primary aspect of any company- big or small, whether it be a startup or a well-established one is the kind and rate of growth it can achieve. Growth is the only parameter on the basis of which the success of a venture is judged. There can be many methods of achieving faster growth like formulating ways of reducing expenditures or adopting useful hacks to reach out to more number of people, using minimal resources. Growth hacking courses train you to optimize these methods and cause faster revenue and profit generation. What is growth hacking Read More …

Importance Facts About Google AdSense

google adsense training course make money online

It is easy to bet that you have seen or have gone through various advertisements popping frequently over websites and pages. That is what Google Adsense is for you. Google Adsense is a program run by Google which allows publishers associated with the Google network of content sites to serve interactive media advertisements and earn a commission. Adsense works on content-based advertisements that can be targeted to customers using CPC (Cost per click) or CPM (cost per thousand impressions). Adsense also works in terms of display ads, video contents, and links units. Types of Adsense Read More …