Digital Marketing is the Need of Modern Era – Samarth Salvi


When we talk about marketing only one think strikes in my mind is digital marketing. It seems to be the need of the modern era where brand and businesses rely on it. People are struggling to get their brand on top and business are trying to reach their wider audience through digital channels. During one of our talk shows we connected with our former student at ProiDeators to understand his journey in his own words. Hey Samarth, Welcome to ProiDeators TalkShow. Before we take this ahead we would like to hear a bit about you? Read More …

Digital Marketing Skills Every Real Estate Consultant Should Master – Dhara Soni


Digital Marketing is one of the important factors of marketing which every real estate consultant should Masters in their career.  Learning digital marketing skills will help to run, operate and manage business effortlessly. These days’ people are searching for things online which are crucial element for businesses to target their potential audiences through the internet. During the Interview question and answers session we have asked Dhara Soni to share her journey with us. So let’s read her story in her own words: Welcome to Talk Show at ProiDeators, before taking this ahead can you brief Read More …

Why High Quality Content is Important for Advertising?

Why High Quality Content is Important for Advertising ProiDeators

One thing that remains constant through time when it comes to advertising is Content. This is the only element that remains steady in all style of marketing. If you fail to deliver content to your customer then you might lose your audience. People believe that marketing strategy has to be good and content doesn’t matters a lot. But the fact is, Content is said to be a king because it is a continuous process that add value to your brand. It informs about your brand product, services, vision, mission and much more. What is High Read More …

How to Crack Social Media Marketing Interview Questions?

How to Crack Social Media Marketing Interview Questions

One of the most demanding career opportunities are in Social media marketing. Social media is booming like anything and becomes a powerful weapon in the digital world. If used smartly then the social media can create a buzz and can attract millions of audience towards your brand.  Today businesses need to have their presence on social media platforms because this will help them to create brand awareness, reach potential audience, increase followers and build brand credibility. At the same time businesses and industries are searching for the dedicated employee for social media marketing who can Read More …

How to Capture Quality Leads from Email Marketing Campaigns?

How to Capture Quality Leads from Email Marketing Campaigns

Business owners are always in search of quality leads for their businesses thus they keep experimenting different source to accomplish their goals. Email marketing is one of the leading platforms that can help to drive traffic towards their websites and convert them into customers. To accomplish the leads scoring goal, businesses need to make the precise strategy, understand their targeted audience and then shoot the emails. Here we have list down to one can capture quality leads through email marketing campaigns: Research and Identify Your Potential Audience: Detailed research and in-depth understanding of the demographics Read More …

The Course at ProiDeators has helped me to grow my Clients business. “– Deep Patel

Deep Patel ProiDeators-Reviews-by-Students-Digital-Marketing-Courses-InstituteTraining

Brand cannot sustain without digital presence, I realized this when I was struggling to search precise leads for my business. Without spending more in traditional style of marketing what would be the best way to reach targeted audience. Digital Marketing has given this opportunity to our family business online.  Deep Patel is a former student of ProiDeators doing well in his business. He is here to share his experiences with us – Let’s read out her journey in her own words. Hey Deep, Pleasure to connect with you! Before heading further we would like to Read More …

What Are the Benefits of Whatsapp Marketing For Your Business?


Whatsapp is an app solution that helps us to build connections with new audiences, advertise your brand product and services and reach your targeted audience easily. With the help of whatsapp business brands can reach their global audience as well. It is available in 53 different languages and more than 109 countries are using whatsapp features. It comes with end-to-end encryption where only two people are involved with each other. This is one of the most secure and trusted apps that comes with comprehensive features. When we talk about its add on features that help Read More …

How to Get Maximum Outcome from Your Social Media Campaigns?

How to Get Maximum Outcome from Your Social Media Campaigns - ProiDeators

Social media campaigns are one of the styles that help to accomplish company goals on social media platforms. This is completely a paid ad campaign and managed in a different way to get the best out of it. It works for a specific purpose and helps companies to create brand awareness, generate leads and build connections with new audiences.  Businesses also make use of social media platforms to announce new products or services launched with future updates. However it has very limited time frames to amuse their audiences, because if you are late to follow Read More …

YouTube Introducing 5 New Features for LiveStreams

YouTube Introducing 5 New Features for LiveStreams - ProiDeators

YouTube is planning to introduce livestreams for viewers and creators with five new features. In which few of the elements are in beta versions and others will roll out by the end of the year. These new features are previewed in a video on YouTube’s creator insider channel. This comprises of: ‘Go Live Together’ – Collaborative Livestreaming: YouTube is currently rolling a small test of a feature called Go live Together. This is a joint streaming feature for mobile devices. Go live Together will facilitate creators to invite guests to stream with them by sending Read More …

How To Change Your YouTube Channel Name?

How To Change Your YouTube Channel Name

YouTube is one of the popular video sharing platforms that assist people to watch videos online on any mobile devices. One can create YouTube channels and upload videos to share with others. It comes with the three important elements that help people to advertise their brand on YouTube channels. It is easy to create and optimize the channel in YouTube platforms which is absolutely free of cost. One can advertise on YouTube platforms through Google Adwords. It is paid marketing on a YouTube channel that involves in-stream ads; out-stream ads, bumper ads and discovery ads. Read More …

How To Gain Followers For Your Social Media Business Pages

How To Gain Followers For Your Social Media Business Pages

Brand and businesses use social media handle on a regular basis to connect with their audience, raise brand awareness, increase traffic and sales for the business. With an engaged following, one can effectively promote their business. Sometime business profile page hold good amount of followers but they lack to hold the grip to get engaged with their audience. However to get engage with the audience and to increase the followers one has to learn the tricks and techniques about social media platform: Work with Influencers: Influencer marketing is a kind of advertising that influence the Read More …

Why Social Media Marketing Is Vital For Business?

Why Social Media Marketing Is Vital For Business - ProiDeators

Social media is one of the most significant elements of digital marketing that offers unmatched benefits which drives millions of users all across the globe. It not only helps to nurture business prospects but also increases brand loyalty, awareness and traffic towards the website. The business not using social media platform are missing the opportunities to reach targeted audience and reducing the value in the eyes of search network. At the same time they are staying behind to generate sales, leads and conversion driven by these effective social media channels. In 2021, the average number Read More …

What Are The Job Responsibility of Social Media Manager?

What Are The Job Responsibility of Social Media Manager

Are you planning to work as social media marketing manager? The answer must be yes, why not. Social media is one of the popular digital marketing platforms that help your brand to connect with your potential audience. It helps to enhance your business, boost traffic, and generate leads through social media channels. To become social media specialist you need knowledge, years of experience and wise strategy that can manage team under its supervision. Nothing comes over night; it takes years of experience and dedication to achieve this position in a desired company. Here we have Read More …

Telegram To Get This WhatsApp Feature Next Month

Telegram To Get This WhatsApp Feature Next Month

Telegram is instant messaging software and application services launched for iOS on 14-Aug-2013 and for Android in October 2013. It’s a freeware, cross-platform and cloud based messaging platform. This application comprises of end-to-end encrypted video calling, VOIP, file sharing and many other features. This application got more popularity when WhatsApp news was rolling over the web regarding its end-to-end privacy features. Changes in the privacy policy of WhatsApp made some users to switch to other messaging App. Telegram is one of the messaging apps that has acquired number of viewers because of this change.  With Read More …

Use of Diverse Facebook Ad Campaigns to Maximize Your ROI

Use of Diverse Facebook Ad Campaigns to Maximize Your ROI

When it comes to advertising and digital ad campaigns, social media platforms are the most preferred choice for the businesses. There are number of online channels that can facilitate businesses to enhance their reach and conversions but Facebook marketing is still an ideal choice for the brand. Social media involves different types of ad campaigns that can assist your brand to accomplish diverse company goals. The Facebook Ad Manager is an integrated ad creation tool that helps businesses to create and publish ads across the Facebook platform. While creating an ad, the first step is Read More …

10 Diverse Types of Marketing Campaigns that Can Enhance Your Business

10 Diverse Types of Marketing Campaigns that Can Enhance Your Business ProiDeators

When it comes to ‘’Marketing’’ a business product or services, promoters uses diverse techniques to reach their prospective audience. Marketing is the most significant element that enhances the brand value and future prospects for any product success. Gone are the days when people adapt traditional style of marketing for promoting their businesses. As the technology is evolving advertisers uses diverse digital platforms such as search engine, paid advertising, mailers, social media etc. to reach their potential audiences. Let’s check what makes marketing campaign powerful that involves reach, visual impact, and sales for the business: Promotion Read More …

How to Become a Successful Social Media Influencer?

How to Become a Successful Social Media Influencer ProiDeators Media

Social media is one of the booming platforms that connect millions of audiences all across the globe. If the platform is utilized effectively then it becomes easy to influence social media audiences. There are a number of steps that can assist your brand to grow online through digital platforms and connect with a wider audience.  In simple words, a social media influencer is a person who builds credibility and loyalty about the brand, product and services that has power to influence the audience. It is difficult to create a brand at the initial stage but Read More …

5 Tips of Writing Brand Content for Social Media Marketing

5 Tips of Writing Brand Content for Social Media Marketing ProiDeators

Content plays one of the major roles in digital marketing which has power to influence the brand and make them stand apart from the crowd. Powerful content gives wings to the business that can fly high in the sky with its performance. Well Content writing can never be out of the trend in any style of marketing. If content written in an appropriate manner with precise information’s help business to grow and communicate more about the brand. In the world of digitalization, content is said to be the king of marketing. Social Media turned out Read More …

New Way To Reach Your Customers Through WhatsApp Marketing – 2021

New Way To Reach Your Customers Through WhatsApp Marketing ProiDeators

WhatsApp is an app solution that reduces expensive SMS costs and it is one of finest advertising tools used by all sorts of businesses. Businesses can use whatsapp app to send messages for free and can reach their customers all across the globe. The best part of the app is it comes with additional features that help brands to convey their messages in a more precise manner. As per the statistics Whatsapp app is used in 109 countries. More than 80% audience are using this app on a regular basis Each day 110 millions whatsapp Read More …

What would be the Scope of Digital Marketing in 2020?

What would be the Scope of Digital Marketing in 2020 ProiDeators Media Courses

The growing popularity of digital marketing has evolved and people from all across the world are much aware of its benefits. In this era of technology and internet, digital marketing is said to be one of the trendiest domain in the industry.  It tends to be the fastest growing sector because it has number of opportunity to nurture from all prospects into your career as well as in your business. The scope of digital marketing in 2020 is absolutely bright and prosperous. Due to COVID – 19, people are working from their comfort zone. They Read More …

How to Establish and Polish Mobile Marketing Strategies in 2020?

How to Establish and Polish Mobile Marketing Strategies in 2020 ProiDeators

Mobile marketing has gain lots of hype among consumers these days. As technology is evolving people are taking initiative towards the mobile advertising platforms. As the entire globe is facing Covid-19 pandemic crises, it has brought the world to its feet and people are advised to stay at home to be safe.  In this situation, People are asked to work from home and utilize the online services to get the help at the doorstep. Digital marketing and mobile devices are the best options that can help to sort out your branding and marketing problems. Digital Read More …

The Comprehensive Guide to TikTok Advertising for Marketers

The Comprehensive Guide to TikTok Advertising for Marketers ProiDeators

When it comes to social media trends, nothing is coolest than TikTok. With more than 700+ monthly active users, enterprises cannot avoid posting ads on this app. If you wanted to target users under the age of 35 than this is the comprehensive blog to marketers to get their business on this platform: Let’s understand what does the Stats reports suggest about the App: TikTik is one of the highest rating followers than the any other social media platforms. They have more than 750+ millions monthly active users. The Apple and Google Play audience have Read More …