Digital Marketing is the Need of Modern Era – Samarth Salvi


When we talk about marketing only one think strikes in my mind is digital marketing. It seems to be the need of the modern era where brand and businesses rely on it. People are struggling to get their brand on top and business are trying to reach their wider audience through digital channels. During one of our talk shows we connected with our former student at ProiDeators to understand his journey in his own words. Hey Samarth, Welcome to ProiDeators TalkShow. Before we take this ahead we would like to hear a bit about you? Read More …

Beautiful Thing about Learning and upgrading your skills is that no one can take it away from you – Chaitali More


That is a very true statement. Learning new things and upgrading your skills is one of the most valuable things you can do for yourself, and the benefits can last a lifetime. When you learn something new, you not only gain new knowledge or skills, but you also develop a sense of confidence and a greater understanding of the world around you. This newfound knowledge and confidence can never be taken away from you, and can be applied in countless ways throughout your life. Furthermore, upgrading your skills can lead to greater opportunities and career Read More …

“The Knowledge I Gained at ProiDeators is Beyond Theoretical Knowledge” – Muskan Shaikh


Digital Marketing is the need for every business that needs online presence and sustenance on a web. Heard lot about digital marketing and was curious to learn the concept how it works. Muskan Shaikh is a former student of ProiDeators and working as digital marketing intern. She is here to share her experiences with us – Let’s read out her journey in her own words. Searched number of institute on a web and came across with ProiDeators Digital Marketing Institute based in Navi Mumbai. Without wasting any time I Checked out the centre and made Read More …

How Does Marketing Tactics Help Online Business to boom?

How-Does-Marketing-Tactics-Help-Online-Business-to-boom - ProiDeators

Today’s online businesses are the most trending topics in the business industry. Every entrepreneur has a dream to get their venture or a company online and expand their business across different locations. To sustain in the market and to compete with the rivals it is important to make the tactics in advance to get the best return on investment in business. Marketing tactics is a company strategy to evolve and convert prospects into customers that increases sales in future. Here we have come up with the few marketing tactics for your online business to boom Read More …

What is local Search and why is it important for business?

What is local Search and why is it important for business - ProiDeators

Have you ever thought about the difference between organic search and local search? Why local search is important for business. Local search plays a crucial role for any SEO Strategy to target your audience in a specific area, location and nearby place.  This strategy can be implemented by using Google Map or local business directories. Organic SEO helps websites to improve page visibility and increases page rank in search networks. Thus website ranking in those organic results can influence your local search ranking. Organic listings are another excellent source for your local business to appear Read More …

Top 5 SEO Approach For Small Businesses to follow In 2022

Top 5 SEO Approach For Small Businesses to follow In 2022

The uncertainty of the ongoing pandemic has hit small and medium size businesses along with consumer’s behavior.  The changes in consumer’s behavior are keeping marketers on their toes. To assist SMBs and marketing professionals, industry experts have come up with top 5 approaches that can help small businesses to sustain in 2022. Here are top 5 SEO strategies for SBMs that will help them to nurture in 2022: Tap Emerging search trends: The experts say, all businesses should concentrate on optimization based on keywords at each phase of consumers journey. However Google persists to improvise Read More …

How To Outsource Your SEO Projects To Freelancers?

How To Outsource Your SEO Projects To Freelancers

Whether you are new to the industry or hold years of experiences working with freelancers, going with smooth and simple tactics will facilitate your brand to get best out of your freelancer team. At the same time it is important to have engaging interaction and accountability for any SEO prospects. When you deal with freelancer make them understand what are your key points and what are you searching for. Once you make them understand task becomes easy for freelancers to deliver the best optimizing result to their clients. Let’s check some of the key elements Read More …

How To Increase Search Visibility of Your Business on Google?

How To Increase Search Visibility of Your Business on Google

Due to lack of visibility in search engines like Google it signifies that your online business is lacking out of the reach of the targeted audience and prospective leads to earn revenue. When it comes to rank on top of search engine result pages organic searches play a crucial role which is technically known as Search engine optimization. In this competitive digital world everybody wishes to gain quick results. Well in the case of SEO the results take time to achieve the highest ranking and maximum visibility on Google. But once the business achieves its Read More …

Why Web Design and Development is important in Digital Marketing?

Why Web Design and Development is important in Digital Marketing

Web development and designing is an essential element of online businesses that can be promoted through digital mediums. Digital marketing deals with the promotions of products and services through the internet with the use of digital media. Therefore having a website is a significant part of business to concentrate on digital marketing. However each marketing platform diverts users directly to the website to make their buying decision. Thus aesthetic looks with easy navigation help users to choose what they are actually searching for on a web. Website is the important aspect that creates first impressions Read More …

Comparing Wix & WordPress: Which Is Better for SEO?

Comparing Wix and WordPress Which Is Better for SEO

Wix and wordpress are the well-known website solutions available on web. According to the recent survey wix offers 5.5 million websites while WordPress offer more than 30 million websites. The big difference between them is that Wix is a website builder and hosted solution, whereas WordPress is an content management system (CMS) and not hosted. Before choosing anyone to you need to understand which option works better for SEO. Thus we have listed down the pros and cons of each platform when it comes to SEO, along with some fascinating facts and strategy to facilitate Read More …

How To Enhance Search Visibility For Product Pages On Search Result?

How To Enhance Search Visibility For Product Pages On Search Result

SEO is one of the major aspects of digital marketing that enhances website visibility and augment the ranking factor on search engine result pages. Whereas ranking product pages is bit challenging for digital marketers to rank on search result pages.  Normally it is very difficult to acquire links to a product page. But until the pages are not well optimized and advertised it will be hard to achieve the top rankings.  However nothing is impossible in the world of digital marketing. If advertiser pays attention towards the smart tricks then ranking ecommerce site would be Read More …

How To Create User-Friendly Websites for Online Business?

How To Create User-Friendly Websites for Online Business

As the competition is increasing, brands need to keep the pace in digital marketing strategy to sustain their business. No wonder your brand is performing phenomenally in the local area with the limited amount of consumers but online business helps to reach a wider audience with great deals. Every brand is aware of online marketing platforms that not only help businesses to evolve but also develops more credibility and sustenance in the industry. To achieve this goal companies must try to promote their business online to get maximum benefits out of it without investing more. Read More …

What is the future of Voice and Visual Search in India?

What is the future of Voice and Visual Search in India ProiDeators Media

We can never imagine what would be next invention in technology. The evolving technology always surprises us in every phase of our life. We experience every now and then with new invention which is beneficial to the country as well useful to the industrialist. No doubt this time the new invention is voice and visual search. Well voice and visual search is not the latest trends in India but it is the most popular term that has grabbed the millions of eyeballs all across the globe. When we talk about voice search people make use Read More …

Tips to Boost Organic CTR in Google

Tips to Boost Organic CTR in Google ProiDeators Media

We cannot imagine a life without internet today as it becomes integral part of our daily routine.  People from all age group are on the internet surfing their form of entertainment.  This was one of the key reasons to take the advantage of internet and shift the complete focus towards digital marketing.  As per the current trend a business are coming up with their online presence but fails to acquire more traffic towards their website.  To reap the complete benefits on Google search through organic marketing one must learn how to boost CTR or click Read More …

5 Reasons You Should Choose Digital Marketing As Your career

5 Reasons You Should Choose Digital Marketing As Your career ProiDeators 2021

Technology has evolved much further than expected. It has opened future prospects for employment purposes and created new dimensions to entrepreneurs. By learning digital marketing course people can enhance their skills and understand the world of business. Scope of digital marketing is vast and acquiring the knowledge can facilitate number of opportunities in every sector. To get into the field you need specialization into digital marketing course program. The course will provide detailed information about digital marketing certification and help entrepreneurs to increase their sales in businesses.  A career in digital marketing will is the Read More …

What are the Benefits of an Open Source Ecommerce Platform?

What are the Benefits of an Open Source Ecommerce Platform ProiDeators

Ecommerce platform is one of the popular platforms that have transformed retailers businesses to online.  At present digital platform have encouraged businesses to move their operations online, and even due to Covid – 19 online presence for businesses are important. Ecommerce is an open platform that offers number of diverse products listed on web and can be browsed easily. It is a place where it connects businesses and customers online. These software applications facilitate businesses to run their work more efficiently, execute their advertising through digital platforms, and serve the best customer service online right Read More …

How To Perform SEO Audit of a Website Technically?

How To Perform SEO Audit of a Website Technically

Website with creative content and proper auditing can help your business to get the maximum traffic and higher visibility in search network result pages. There are diverse ways to perform SEO auditing technically and assist your business to achieve your company goal. Here we have come up with the few tips that will help to perform elegantly in your domain: Scan your website: Before starting with SEO work technically one need to understand and monitor the entire website. You need to check each and every pages of website and analyze what sort of product and Read More …

Importance of Google Analytics in Digital Marketing Business

Importance of Google Analytics in Digital Marketing Business

When you are running an online business it is important to keep a track on the ongoing activities. To monitor those activities and understand the data pattern advertisers need to take the help of Google Analytics. Google analytics is a tool that reads the entire data and delivers in a structured format to understand. These data outline help advertisers to make the decision proficiently.  It helps to fulfill the gap between the facts, data and fruitful decision making within an organization that deals with any digital marketing businesses. This represents page views, bounce rate, CTR, Read More …

How Long Does It Take To Become An SEO Professional?

How Long Does It Take To Become An SEO Professional ProiDeators

Are you planning to start your career as an SEO professional? If your answer is yes then you must focus on search engine optimization course program that will help you to learn and understand each and every concept of SEO in digital marketing. Meanwhile people should be aware of other digital marketing concept as well. The role of SEO professional is to understand the business before jumping into the implementation. SEO is an organic way to drive traffic and increase the visibility of your website. It also emphasis to rank on top of search engine Read More …

How Advertising Agency Help to Boost Your Brand?

How Advertising Agency Help to Boost Your Brand ProiDeators Media

There are number of organizations that come up with digital solution for their clients and consumers. They provide diverse services digitally that can assists the clients business development and nurture their growth efficiently. They not only understand their client’s problems but also boost their brand through digital platforms. In this case there are Pros and Cons that one has to understand before giving any project to this marketing agency. Important note to keep in mind is where your business is lacking. What kind of services are you searching for? Which type of agency you need Read More …

Top Famous Indian Bloggers Making Massive Money

Top Famous Indian Bloggers Making Massive Money ProiDeators Media

Blogging has become of the most popular and lucrative profession by today’s standard. According to some research, there is going to be 31.7 million bloggers by 2020 in the USA alone. That number itself speaks about the significance of this profession and why more people are leaving their conventional job to become bloggers. In the context of India, blogging has gained a lot of popularity here too, with all the famous bloggers who are generating a huge chunk of money every single month. Top Indian Bloggers Now, let us dig dipper into these Indian bloggers, Read More …

Wanted To Develop & Achieve New Heights in Digital Marketing, Choose “ProiDeators” – Sunita Rajbhar

Sunita Rajbhar ProiDeators

Meet ProiDeators Sunita Rajbhar, a Beautiful, Confident, and energetic lady from Mumbai, who desire to be Independent. After her Graduation she started her career as a graphic designer and was completely fascinated with the industry norms. After the couple of years in her graphic designing job she thought of giving a new touch where she can include digital into her career. Here the story begins:   Currently she is working as Sr. Project Consultant in her organization where she handles number of B2B clients and influences them through her digital skills. In a small chit-chat Read More …

How to present SEO Proposals That Prove Your Value & Reduces Client Concerns

How to present SEO Proposals That Prove Your Value & Reduces Client Concerns ProiDeators

Creating SEO Proposals is one of the most challenging tasks for marketers to perform in front of their clients.  Coming up with the Proposals requires lots of research from every prospective to finalized the deal. Thus it is important to present the Plan in such a way that clients should be impressed and relaxed from his end. Here are the key Components to focus on: Need to Have In-depth understanding of your clients business: This means you need to study and monitor the business right from the beginning before coming up in any of the Read More …

How to enrich your content marketing with SEMrush?

How to enrich your content marketing with SEMrush TechLibrary

If you are into content marketing, you must really know the pain of getting beaten by your competitor in the search results. No matter how much research you have come up with or the analytics doesn’t pay off as you had anticipated. Well, there is certainly something that your competitor is doing right, which you are certainly falling behind. If that is the case, it is time to look forward to some of the great SEO tools out there in the market. SEMrush is certainly one of the most influential ones in the lot. What Read More …

How To Increase Your Restaurant Sales With Digital Marketing?

How To Increase Your Restaurant Sales With Digital Marketing ProiDeators

The Food Industry is extremely competitive and challenging when it comes to keep your business at the top of your customer’s list. Competition has increased in such a way that every corner people would find a restaurant and café area where they can enjoy their food. This becomes very tough to get good response every now and then with the customers at the same locality. What if you plan to promote your business on a large scale through digital marketing? Isn’t it sound Cool! No Doubt the restaurant business works well in a particular area Read More …

Get to know how google panda can help you

Get to know how google panda can help you ProiDeators

After the first Google Panda algorithm update was rolled out back in February 2011, global search results were affected by nearly about 12%. The impact was so huge as well as unprecedented that it was for the first time; the future of search changed forever. Google Panda is still kicking in the streets with its war against the so-called black hat SEO practices. Till date, it has remained one of the most notorious algorithms of all time in the history of searches. So, if you are starting out in the content market, here is a Read More …

What is the impact of voice search on SEO strategy?

What is the impact of voice search on SEO strategy ProiDeators

With the voice search being the new game in town, everyone is thinking about changing their SEO strategy. But what exactly is all the fuss about? According to some reports, by the end of 2020, almost 30% of all the website sessions will be conducted without a screen. And, surely that indicated the use of voice search over conventional typing. What Exactly is Voice Search? The minor tasks that you perform with your mobile phone’s virtual assistance, whether be it Siri or Google Assistant, with the voice command mode can be termed as voice search. Read More …