The Course at ProiDeators has helped me to grow my Jewellery Brand – Sneha Sachin Sonavane


Women entrepreneurships growing these days. As technology is evolving women are participating and learning new skills to start their own business. People are supporting women entrepreneurship in India because they are versatile, dynamic, expressive, calculative and sharp to manage their work wisely. Nothing can stop them from being the best version in the leadership. During the recent ProiDeators Talk Show we decided to check how our trainees are utilizing their skills in their business. Meet, Sneha Sachin Sonavane owner of designer jewellery brand known as Mehr – A Blessing is here with us to share Read More …

Digital Marketing Helped My Restaurant Business To Grow Online – Zanal Khalid


Today it is easy to place the order at the comfort zone and get the order right at your doorstep. All these things can be possible because of the technology and the efforts taken by the digital medium. Thus it was mandatory to understand and learn new things to compete with the rivals and to reach a wider audience.  During one of the recent interview question and answer rounds we have invited Zanal Khalid, a former student of ProiDeators to share his experiences with us. Let’s read his story in his own words: Welcome to Read More …

Change is the End Results of All True Learning at Proideators – Roshni Patel


Digital marketing is a fastest growing industry that has opened the end number of prospects for young graduates all across the globe. This platform has given different opportunities to young talents irrespective of their age group, qualification and experience.  Taking this into consideration I had taken this opportunity to learn a Master’s program in digital marketing and start with the journey.  This will not only help me to reach the right position in a reputed organization but also to prove myself.  I can differentiate myself from others in a company with the certification program. Meet Read More …

Top 15 SEO Interview Questions for Freshers To Crack in 2023

Top 15 SEO Interview Questions for Freshers To Crack in 2023

The Digital Marketing industry is one of the leading industries in the world today. Digital marketing involves different factors in which SEO is one of the prime factors that plays a crucial role in shaping the industry on the web. It helps brands to get organic search and presence on search engine result pages. Thus brand and business are searching for the good candidates who can manage their brand online. However there are a number of job openings in SEO with great salary packages. If you are new to the industry then you must start Read More …

How to Capture Quality Leads from Email Marketing Campaigns?

How to Capture Quality Leads from Email Marketing Campaigns

Business owners are always in search of quality leads for their businesses thus they keep experimenting different source to accomplish their goals. Email marketing is one of the leading platforms that can help to drive traffic towards their websites and convert them into customers. To accomplish the leads scoring goal, businesses need to make the precise strategy, understand their targeted audience and then shoot the emails. Here we have list down to one can capture quality leads through email marketing campaigns: Research and Identify Your Potential Audience: Detailed research and in-depth understanding of the demographics Read More …

How to Generate a Second Source of Income as a Digital Marketer At Home?

How to Generate a Second Source of Income as a Digital Marketer At Home

Every one of us wants to be successful and earn more money. People take the help of different mediums to generate incomes. One of the most popular mediums these days are digital marketing skills. Digital marketing skills are the most sorted skills that can help you to earn in different methods and can make more money out of it. With time and efforts people can learn different tactics in digital marketing and can improve their skills set to grow their career graph. But before assuming as a digital marketer you need to learn the concept Read More …

How Does Marketing Tactics Help Online Business to boom?

How-Does-Marketing-Tactics-Help-Online-Business-to-boom - ProiDeators

Today’s online businesses are the most trending topics in the business industry. Every entrepreneur has a dream to get their venture or a company online and expand their business across different locations. To sustain in the market and to compete with the rivals it is important to make the tactics in advance to get the best return on investment in business. Marketing tactics is a company strategy to evolve and convert prospects into customers that increases sales in future. Here we have come up with the few marketing tactics for your online business to boom Read More …

Top 5 Tactics to Generate Leads for B2B Businesses

Top 5 Tactics to Generate Leads for B2B Businesses - ProiDeators

Brands that deal with B2B clients are always searching for the effective leads to expand their business. This can be done through different marketing strategies and if the strategy is implemented precisely then it becomes effortless to generate unique leads.  However B2B leads are important for any type of businesses to acquire sales. Here we have listed top 5 tactics that will help B2B business to generate leads for their company: Account Based Marketing (ABM):  Account based marketing plays a crucial role in B2B business in which advertising and branding teams work together to achieve Read More …

What is local Search and why is it important for business?

What is local Search and why is it important for business - ProiDeators

Have you ever thought about the difference between organic search and local search? Why local search is important for business. Local search plays a crucial role for any SEO Strategy to target your audience in a specific area, location and nearby place.  This strategy can be implemented by using Google Map or local business directories. Organic SEO helps websites to improve page visibility and increases page rank in search networks. Thus website ranking in those organic results can influence your local search ranking. Organic listings are another excellent source for your local business to appear Read More …

Things to considered While Hiring Digital Marketing Consultant for Your Ecommerce Business

Things to considered While Hiring Digital Marketing Consultant for Your Ecommerce Business - ProiDeators

When you run an ecommerce business it is important to manage product and services in a most effective way. You need to fulfill your customer’s needs and requirements as per their choices without compromising the quality. To maintain the quality you can either take the help of digital marketing consultant or can learn the concept to acquire the quality leads. While hiring the digital marketing consultant for your ecommerce company understands few things that are very important: Ask them are they qualified and experienced: You might have come across with number of consultant and agency Read More …

What Are the Best Way for SEO Experts And Writers To Work Together?

What Are the Best Way for SEO Experts And Writers To Work Together

Whenever the SEO experts gets an opportunity to work with the team they must co-ordinate together and get the work done with ease. As experts you have to understand what your clients are actually searching for and what are their goals. Once you understand their needs and requirements it becomes easy to create strategy and tactics. In digital marketing content writer plays a crucial role in delivering the content that describes about your brand message either in the form of article, blog, short stories, video etc. End of the day they have to understand how Read More …

How to Make Link Building Strategy That Drive Sustainable Results?

How to Make Link Building Strategy That Drive Sustainable Results

Link building is one of the key elements of search engine optimizations that help to increase the ranking of your website on search networks like Google and enhance its visibility too. From the past couple of year’s link building activity has been transformed from quantity to quality. Marketers have to concentrate on the quality links rather than quantity to ensure that websites have the valuable content that helps to rank higher on search networks. This is the most crucial process that helps your brand to sustain for a long run on search networks. As per Read More …

How To Outsource Your SEO Projects To Freelancers?

How To Outsource Your SEO Projects To Freelancers

Whether you are new to the industry or hold years of experiences working with freelancers, going with smooth and simple tactics will facilitate your brand to get best out of your freelancer team. At the same time it is important to have engaging interaction and accountability for any SEO prospects. When you deal with freelancer make them understand what are your key points and what are you searching for. Once you make them understand task becomes easy for freelancers to deliver the best optimizing result to their clients. Let’s check some of the key elements Read More …

How To Increase Search Visibility of Your Business on Google?

How To Increase Search Visibility of Your Business on Google

Due to lack of visibility in search engines like Google it signifies that your online business is lacking out of the reach of the targeted audience and prospective leads to earn revenue. When it comes to rank on top of search engine result pages organic searches play a crucial role which is technically known as Search engine optimization. In this competitive digital world everybody wishes to gain quick results. Well in the case of SEO the results take time to achieve the highest ranking and maximum visibility on Google. But once the business achieves its Read More …

What are the Latest Trends in Digital Marketing 2022?

What are the Latest Trends in Digital Marketing 2022

When it comes to digital marketing the trends are constantly evolving as per the marketing strategy. Marketing trends can never be the same for any type of business.  Trends and tactics can go out of fashion and can be replaced by other successful advertising strategies. New techniques can help businesses to stay updated in digital marketing and help brands to nurture with the latest trends. Thus to stay one step ahead of rivals it is crucial to understand the upcoming trends for your business. Here are some of the most well-known digital marketing tactics that Read More …

Comparing Wix & WordPress: Which Is Better for SEO?

Comparing Wix and WordPress Which Is Better for SEO

Wix and wordpress are the well-known website solutions available on web. According to the recent survey wix offers 5.5 million websites while WordPress offer more than 30 million websites. The big difference between them is that Wix is a website builder and hosted solution, whereas WordPress is an content management system (CMS) and not hosted. Before choosing anyone to you need to understand which option works better for SEO. Thus we have listed down the pros and cons of each platform when it comes to SEO, along with some fascinating facts and strategy to facilitate Read More …

How To Convert Traffic Into Conversions for Online Businesses

How To Convert Traffic Into Conversions for Online Businesses

You might have seen sufficient number of visitors to your website, but the conversions rate is not really good enough. How do you ensure that visitors who visit your website actually make a buying decision? However traffic, sales and conversion for the online website is crucial and we are here to help you out how easily the conversion can be driven for online business. Get detailed information into your website: Before customizing the website, it is important to determine where the problems arise and to rectify the problems advertisers need to check out the data Read More …

Top 5 Ways To Create Engaging Content for Audience

Top 5 Ways To Create Engaging Content for Audience

Content is said to be the most important element of Digital Marketing that can enhance the visibility of the website as well as increase its ranking on search engine result pages. It also helps to build loyalty and creates brand awareness for the businesses. It has the power to influence the audience and build a strong bond with the customers. Therefore Brand has to maintain a consistency in creating a rich quality content that can connect with the audiences and stay forever on the website. Let’s check top 5 ways to create engaging content for Read More …

How To keep Your Potential Audience Engaged in 2021?

How To keep Your Potential Audience Engaged in 2021

When it comes to advertising and branding, the most important elements is to stay connected with the audience. Right from the beginning of raising brand awareness to increasing conversions, every phase of business development begins by connecting with the right potential audience. As technology is evolving the businesses are coming up with new methods to get engaged and stay connected with their audiences. As digital marketing is trending over the web businesses are searching for digital services to get their business online. Digital will not only help their local business to come online but also Read More …

How To Grab Audience Attentions Through Digital Marketing Strategies?

How To Grab Audience Attentions Through Digital Marketing Strategies ProiDeators

As the businesses are evolving each day and competitions are increasing, it is important to understand the significance of digital marketing and come up with innovative strategies to advertise your business online. This will not only help to promote your brand online but also grabs your audience attentions all across the world. When we talk about attentions entertainment industries are the best example that grabs millions of eyeballs through its entertainment stories. Their marketing strategies are completely different as compare to other industries and they implement their plans step by step. Whenever any newly launches Read More …

How Technology Help Retail Industry to Grow in 2021?

How Technology Help Retail Industry to Grow in 2021 ProiDeators Media

From the past couple of years we could see numerous changes in the technology development and this evolvement has open diverse prospects towards the retail sectors. Retail industries are taking an initiative to participate in digital marketing. They are coming up with online store where they can highlight all the product and services with one stop solutions. Even during the time of pandemic people across the world realise the importance of internet and technology that helps businesses, workers and other people to rely on.  This is the need of an hour currently all across the Read More …

How To Perform SEO Audit of a Website Technically?

How To Perform SEO Audit of a Website Technically

Website with creative content and proper auditing can help your business to get the maximum traffic and higher visibility in search network result pages. There are diverse ways to perform SEO auditing technically and assist your business to achieve your company goal. Here we have come up with the few tips that will help to perform elegantly in your domain: Scan your website: Before starting with SEO work technically one need to understand and monitor the entire website. You need to check each and every pages of website and analyze what sort of product and Read More …

What would be the Scope of Digital Marketing in 2020?

What would be the Scope of Digital Marketing in 2020 ProiDeators Media Courses

The growing popularity of digital marketing has evolved and people from all across the world are much aware of its benefits. In this era of technology and internet, digital marketing is said to be one of the trendiest domain in the industry.  It tends to be the fastest growing sector because it has number of opportunity to nurture from all prospects into your career as well as in your business. The scope of digital marketing in 2020 is absolutely bright and prosperous. Due to COVID – 19, people are working from their comfort zone. They Read More …

How to enhance your digital marketing Strategy with competitor analysis

How to enhance your digital marketing Strategy with competitor analysis

Nowadays every business who has their presence online keeps on making strategies that help them to sustain in the industry. During uncertain time period, to be in a limelight in digital marketing it is important to stay connected with your audience. For this strong digital marketing strategy with competitors analysis makes you to compete with your rivals and survive in the market. To monitor the competitor’s tactics advertisers need to take the help of diverse tool and other platforms. Analyzing your rival’s digital marketing tactics can benefit you to augment your campaigns and upcoming ideas Read More …