Top 10 Marketing tools for Small Businesses that Can Reduce Burden?

Top 10 Marketing tools for Small Businesses that Can Reduce Burden - ProiDeators

Marketing tools are the key elements that reduce the burden on advertisers’ heads. It helps them to save time and work efficiently in their respective domain. There are a number of tools that can be used in digital marketing strategies to promote the brand product and services but they might come with premium features as well. So after a certain period of time advertisers need to purchase the upgraded version or premium version of the tools to use it more effectively. Here we have listed top 10 marketing tools for small businesses that can reduce Read More …

ProiDeators Helped Me to Grow my Business Digitally – Shilpa Ajay Bedekar


The era of marketing has changed immensely from the past few years. These days having an online presence is crucial for all sorts of businesses. Digital Marketing is booming like anything and people are openly participating in this to enhance their skills sets. ProiDeators has come up with small interview sessions with their former trainees to understand their journey. Meet Shilpa Ajay Bedekar who has shared her experiences with us. So let’s read her story in her own words: Hey Shilpa, Glad to connect with you! Before taking this ahead we would like to hear Read More …

ProiDeators has superb trainers and they are helpful and encouraging – Pramod Prajapati


Pramod Prajapati has been working in the IT industry for the past 8 years and holds good experiences. But somewhere in his mind he was not happy with the regular 9-6 job. So he decided to quit his job and start his own business. It requires lots of effort and guts to switch your career from IT field into entrepreneurship. During one of our talk shows we have invited former student Mr. Pramd Prajapati to share his entrepreneur journey with us after learning digital marketing at Proideators. Before taking ahead, would like to know more Read More …

“The Knowledge I Gained at ProiDeators is Beyond Theoretical Knowledge” – Muskan Shaikh


Digital Marketing is the need for every business that needs online presence and sustenance on a web. Heard lot about digital marketing and was curious to learn the concept how it works. Muskan Shaikh is a former student of ProiDeators and working as digital marketing intern. She is here to share her experiences with us – Let’s read out her journey in her own words. Searched number of institute on a web and came across with ProiDeators Digital Marketing Institute based in Navi Mumbai. Without wasting any time I Checked out the centre and made Read More …

Things to considered While Hiring Digital Marketing Consultant for Your Ecommerce Business

Things to considered While Hiring Digital Marketing Consultant for Your Ecommerce Business - ProiDeators

When you run an ecommerce business it is important to manage product and services in a most effective way. You need to fulfill your customer’s needs and requirements as per their choices without compromising the quality. To maintain the quality you can either take the help of digital marketing consultant or can learn the concept to acquire the quality leads. While hiring the digital marketing consultant for your ecommerce company understands few things that are very important: Ask them are they qualified and experienced: You might have come across with number of consultant and agency Read More …

How To Outsource Your SEO Projects To Freelancers?

How To Outsource Your SEO Projects To Freelancers

Whether you are new to the industry or hold years of experiences working with freelancers, going with smooth and simple tactics will facilitate your brand to get best out of your freelancer team. At the same time it is important to have engaging interaction and accountability for any SEO prospects. When you deal with freelancer make them understand what are your key points and what are you searching for. Once you make them understand task becomes easy for freelancers to deliver the best optimizing result to their clients. Let’s check some of the key elements Read More …

What are Expectations vs. Reality in digital marketing?

What are Expectations vs Reality in digital marketing

Digital marketing is one of the most promising domains that have transformed the way marketing exists. Businesses are taking the help of digital marketing platforms to promote their brand and services to stay with the trends. However people come up with a lot of expectations in digital marketing but reality is completely different. This does not mean all expectations are fulfilled. When we talk about digital marketing, there are a number of digital platforms that can do the wonders for your brand if it is executed wisely. Digital marketing platforms can help you to promote Read More …

What Are the Challenges in Digital Marketing & How to Crack Them?

What Are the Challenges in Digital Marketing & How to Crack Them

Marketing always comes with its challenges and brands need to face those challenges to get the desired position in the market. The digital marketing industry has seen massive changes in the last 10 years. Young generations and organizations have been searching for more power pack prospects to grow in the field of marketing. Well digital marketing has a solution to overcome its challenges and crack them with a wise manner to sustain online. Let’s see some top digital marketing challenges that company faces: Shifting to Dynamic Platforms: With the dynamically fluctuating platforms algorithms it is Read More …

Top 5 Best Digital Marketing Course Institute in Thane to Join

Top 5 Best Digital Marketing Courses Training Institute with Certification

In the world of digitalization people are showing keen interest to know about this booming sector and want to be a part of the industry in the near future. As technology is evolving people are moving towards digital platforms and making use of this medium for their career growth. They understand the meaning of digital and scope of digital marketing that can revamp their career in the field of marketing. Digital marketing is not designed for any specific age group, industry or country. It is an open platform and people who want to explore more Read More …

Google Publishes New Practical Guide for Ecommerce

Google Publishes New Practical Guide for Ecommerce

Google has introduced few new features to concentrate on e-commerce website. This new practical guide is designed for developers but it is equally beneficial to any ecommerce site advertisers that sells product online. The aim of the new guide is to emphasize more about the product visibility not just in Google Search but also on any of Google’s search product that shows product for shoppers. There are seven brand new features that focus mainly on the following topics: Where ecommerce content can highlight on Google Share product data with Google How to optimize URL structure Read More …

How Google Alerts Will Improve PPC Research In 2022?

How Google Alerts Will Improve PPC Research In 2022 ProiDeators

When you are dealing with Digital marketing strategy for your business, SEO plays a crucial role in generating organic results. To get the organic traffic and leads from SEO tactics it takes times and efforts which need to be executed gradually. Where Google Adwords offer prompt result and even help to enhance visibility in the competitive world. Thus PPC is the best option to get the quick result and run the paid campaigns effortlessly on Google and its search partner sites. There are number of tool available online that can be used to analyze the Read More …

Top 6 Responsive Practice Every Digital Marketing Team Should Adopt


When an individual work for the company the result is as per their skills but when the team work for the company the outcome becomes more powerful and profound. This is because when certain group of people working together helps to get maximum output with the same dedication and enthusiasm. The Industries that involve quick practices and utilize updated technology always stands apart from the crowd in the market. Here we have listed top 6 responsive practices every digital marketing team should adopt: Whenever planning to work for any of the client’s projects makes sure Read More …

Top 5 Ways To Create Engaging Content for Audience

Top 5 Ways To Create Engaging Content for Audience

Content is said to be the most important element of Digital Marketing that can enhance the visibility of the website as well as increase its ranking on search engine result pages. It also helps to build loyalty and creates brand awareness for the businesses. It has the power to influence the audience and build a strong bond with the customers. Therefore Brand has to maintain a consistency in creating a rich quality content that can connect with the audiences and stay forever on the website. Let’s check top 5 ways to create engaging content for Read More …

How To Increase Ecommerce Sales On Your Website?

How To Increase Ecommerce Sales On Your Website ProiDeators

Have you ever wonder just creating an online store with outstanding product displayed over a website is sufficient to run the online ecommerce store. Does it help to drive sales for the business and generate profits for the ecommerce outlet? The answers is no, advertisers need to implement diverse tactics that can drive equal amount of traffic along with leads. Then the bowl is in your court where you can convert your viewers into customers. Here we have list down few of the tactics that help to increase Ecommerce sales for your website: Design a Read More …

How Does Branding Influence Online Marketing?

How Does Branding Influence Online Marketing ProiDeators Media

Branding is defined as backbone for online marketing. Every prosperous business is built on the base of a concrete brand.  Without brand, businesses cannot be identified by the existing or potential audience.  It gives your firm, a consistent feel across all media that creates long lasting impressions in consumers mind.  Brand can easily convey message to the audience about your business product and services through its creativity and its strong content that defines more about your business. It is a platform that converts your idea into reality and makes your business to stand apart from Read More …

Google Maps Rolls out 4 Innovative Features

Google Maps Rolls out 4 Innovative Features ProiDeators

Google Map is a web mapping service offered by Google. It is one of the finest services provided by Google that help businesses to reach their customers easily and effortlessly. Recently they have updated Maps with 4 innovative features that will help businesses and improve searches. These features will not only improve the users experience but also help businesses to connect with a wider audience through this platform. Let’s check the new updates that will be useful to you: Messaging from Maps & Search: To make the work more effortless Google has come up with Read More …

How Voice Assistance Can Transform Shopping Style

How Voice Assistance Can Transform Shopping Style ProiDeators

We all have come across with evolving technology that has completely transformed the style of marketing as well as shopping. Businesses are shifting from traditional style of marketing to digital style and AI is the new technology that can highlight your work. Today people are more prone to their comfort zone and find it eager to get the thing right at their comfort zone. They would love to browse, search and find what they need within few clicks. To boost their shopping style smart speakers are the add-on technologies that are highly appreciated by the Read More …

What Are The Tactics To Improve Your Brand Reputation?

What Are The Tactics To Improve Your Brand Reputation Pro iDeators

Every organization needs to pay attentions towards its brand and reputations to sustain in the market. This will have crucial impact on the achievements of business goal. People are keen towards the brand that has name and fame in the market with positive responses.  In the world of technology it is important to get your presence online and stays connected with your audience. Well there is no specific formula to build the reputation but slowly and gradually businesses need to develop the brand with diverse responses. Consumers will come up with their own experiences about Read More …

Importance of Google Analytics in Digital Marketing Business

Importance of Google Analytics in Digital Marketing Business

When you are running an online business it is important to keep a track on the ongoing activities. To monitor those activities and understand the data pattern advertisers need to take the help of Google Analytics. Google analytics is a tool that reads the entire data and delivers in a structured format to understand. These data outline help advertisers to make the decision proficiently.  It helps to fulfill the gap between the facts, data and fruitful decision making within an organization that deals with any digital marketing businesses. This represents page views, bounce rate, CTR, Read More …

How to Create Strong Online Presence for Marketing Success?

How to Create Strong Online Presence for Marketing Success ProiDeators

In this digital era, online presence plays a significant role to promote your business and create a powerful brand.  Gone are days when sales person use to struggle to advertise their product and services through diverse traditional style of marketing.  These day’s people are practicing digital marketing and coming up with huge success in their business as well as skill sets. Growing popularity of internet and digital has given a new dimension to the career as well as to the organizations that are willing to create strong presence. Creating a presence will not only boost Read More …

How To Deal Successfully With B2B Businesses in Marketing

How To Deal Successfully With B2B Businesses in Marketing ProiDeators Media

B2B marketing stands for business to business. The strategy works completely different in B2B business. In this promoter have to target the business audience and showcase the important factor about their product and services they are dealing with. These type of commercial activity works directly with commercial employees, entrepreneurs etc.; whereas B2C works with end to end customers. Both targeting has different ways to work and sell their product. However the marketing strategy changes in both the style of prospective businesses. In Business to business marketing team has to highlight about their brand why they Read More …

How Advertising Agency Help to Boost Your Brand?

How Advertising Agency Help to Boost Your Brand ProiDeators Media

There are number of organizations that come up with digital solution for their clients and consumers. They provide diverse services digitally that can assists the clients business development and nurture their growth efficiently. They not only understand their client’s problems but also boost their brand through digital platforms. In this case there are Pros and Cons that one has to understand before giving any project to this marketing agency. Important note to keep in mind is where your business is lacking. What kind of services are you searching for? Which type of agency you need Read More …

Top Famous Indian Bloggers Making Massive Money

Top Famous Indian Bloggers Making Massive Money ProiDeators Media

Blogging has become of the most popular and lucrative profession by today’s standard. According to some research, there is going to be 31.7 million bloggers by 2020 in the USA alone. That number itself speaks about the significance of this profession and why more people are leaving their conventional job to become bloggers. In the context of India, blogging has gained a lot of popularity here too, with all the famous bloggers who are generating a huge chunk of money every single month. Top Indian Bloggers Now, let us dig dipper into these Indian bloggers, Read More …

What are the Ways to Achieve Effective Conversion Rate Optimization Results?

What are the Ways to Achieve Effective Conversion Rate Optimization Results ProiDeators Media

As we all know that online traffic is one of the most inconsistent things in the world. Once you miss out the conversion funnel in the first try, there is a much higher chance that they won’t be coming back again. Missing out such a great opportunity is nothing but a huge loss for your business. It is with an effective conversion rate optimization campaign that you can improve your chances of conversion. What is Conversion Rate Optimization? In a much simpler term, conversion rate optimization is nothing optimizing your website or landing page so Read More …

Wanted To Develop & Achieve New Heights in Digital Marketing, Choose “ProiDeators” – Sunita Rajbhar

Sunita Rajbhar ProiDeators

Meet ProiDeators Sunita Rajbhar, a Beautiful, Confident, and energetic lady from Mumbai, who desire to be Independent. After her Graduation she started her career as a graphic designer and was completely fascinated with the industry norms. After the couple of years in her graphic designing job she thought of giving a new touch where she can include digital into her career. Here the story begins:   Currently she is working as Sr. Project Consultant in her organization where she handles number of B2B clients and influences them through her digital skills. In a small chit-chat Read More …

5 Tips To Write Catchy Headline That Helps To Drive Traffic & Clicks

5 Tips To Write Catchy Headline That Helps To Drive Traffic & Clicks Proideators

Wondering how to create an Appealing Headline that helps to drive traffic and clicks for the business?  It just requires little efforts that are absolutely relevant to the content, contain keywords and fascinate the viewer’s attentions.  Catchy Headlines of the book can tempt audience to read the story and understand the concept. Well, there is no such specific formula to writing a Headline, but there are certain useful writing tips that will help you to win the race on the battle ground. 5 Headline Tips That Drive Traffic & Clicks: Understand The Business concept: Writer Read More …

Get to know how google panda can help you

Get to know how google panda can help you ProiDeators

After the first Google Panda algorithm update was rolled out back in February 2011, global search results were affected by nearly about 12%. The impact was so huge as well as unprecedented that it was for the first time; the future of search changed forever. Google Panda is still kicking in the streets with its war against the so-called black hat SEO practices. Till date, it has remained one of the most notorious algorithms of all time in the history of searches. So, if you are starting out in the content market, here is a Read More …