Brand cannot sustain without digital presence, I realized this when I was struggling to search precise leads for my business. Without spending more in traditional style of marketing what would be the best way to reach targeted audience. Digital Marketing has given this opportunity to our family business online. Deep Patel is a former student of ProiDeators doing well in his business. He is here to share his experiences with us – Let’s read out her journey in her own words.
Hey Deep, Pleasure to connect with you! Before heading further we would like to know a bit about you?
I am Deep Patel and I am managing our family business along with freelancing work. After completing the diploma in engineering I started assisting in our family business. We are basically into real estate and core business is to promote the properties. Working in our firm I realize that we should try to grow online and reach the targeted audience through digital marketing.
I have completed Masters in Digital Marketing Certification course from ProiDeators and utilize digital skills in our business. Also I have started with freelancing work and now I can manage other client’s projects independently.
What really captivated you to decide digital marketing as your career?
Digital Marketing is an open platform in which graduates, undergraduates, entrepreneur and homemakers can participate in it. This fascinated me to choose digital marketing as a career because I wanted to grow my business as per the trends.
How did you differentiated us from others and selected our Institute over others?
The Trainers are experienced, humbled and support each and every student to grow in this domain. They teach how to make different strategy to hit the targeted audience within budget.
Tell us about your best experience you had with us, whether as a learner or as a consumer?
As a Learner, I had an opportunity to learn with other entrepreneurs and working professionals. At ProiDeators we have learned different methods to promote brand and how to deal with clients with ease. The trainers were really good and well experienced as per the industry norms.
Would you consider ProiDeators as a reliable & trusted resource for Digital marketing training? Why?
Yes, I would recommend business owners and working professional to join digital marketing because they provide you with the business model and help you to find appropriate leads for your business.
ProiDeators is the best institute that delivers quality and excellence.
What score would you give it out of 10 to your Institute?
I would surely give 9.5/10
Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
I am planning to start my own digital marketing agency and serve the international audiences as well.
Would you like to give a piece of advice to entrepreneurs?
I would like to suggest the business owners that please upgrade your skills to move with the trends because nothing can be permanent in the business world. So just go with the pace to grab the limelight in the digital world.
Finally, Describe ProiDeators in one line.
ProiDeators is an outstanding Institute with global presence!