Watermarks are the basic feature in the world of photography because it protects the images from the copyrights issues and cannot be used in any other online portals. Well, hardly any organization take efforts to make use of this feature while publishing marketing images online. Therefore even small efforts can make a big difference in the world of digital where people are eagerly waiting to copy the things and place in the third party domain without permission.
Let’s check how quickly and effortlessly we can apply watermark to the marketing things that we create:
Preserving Your Hard Work from theft:
The online web is full with copyright breach and absolute theft. Now the point is how to save your data from such things and make it safe in the digital world. You can ask your graphic designer to place the trademark sign or watermark on the images or pictures that will be published on digital platforms. It is easy to make replica but hard to find the original. As the images and other visuals engaging pictures are watermarked it becomes safe to advertise on other digital platforms and social media channels such as instagram, Facebook etc.
Creating Your Brand: The company images and visuals helps to accentuate the essence of branding. Watermark on marketing images and visuals help to highlight the brand pictures and serve their right audience. This can be the company logo, banner, and product image or clients case studies. This will help you to build brand credibility and help your to connect with new audiences.
How to watermark pictures effectively?
There are numbers of online tools available that can help you to add watermark to your original images and keep it aside. This helps you to watermark multiple pictures at once which become easy to use in future. You can also decide where and which section need to watermark in the visuals. However in organization brand need lots of images and visuals to promote thus using tools can save their time and efforts.
Consider the watermark designs: It is important to decide how you would opt for the watermark designs. There are different watermark designs that can be fits in your branding context but before implementing make sure to think wisely. Rather than placing the watermark sign on the entire image you can make use of logo in your image. It looks decent, elegant and represents your brand in your image. It is the most proficient manner to watermark your professional’s banners and images for the promotions.
Thinking where to place the watermark design: Sometimes graphic designer creates the fascinating image but end up with the wrong positioning of watermark which creates overlap shadow to the image makes it look untidy. Thus always choose the corner to place the watermark that can accentuate the beauty of images and videos rather than overlapping the image.
Conclusions: It is important to understand the value of watermark that can be used effectively on digital marketing platforms to represent the brand pictures, logo, banner, videos and graphics.