Why Email Marketing Is Important For A Startup?

Why Email Marketing Is Important For A Startup - ProiDeators

Email marketing is extremely important for startups due to its numerous benefits and potential impact on business growth.  Email marketing is a direct and personalized communication which can be done through email. It is easy to reach b2b and b2c clients as per needs and requirements. Advertising through email can help you to stay in touch with your audience and build customer retention. Here are several key reasons why email marketing is crucial for a startup: Cost-effective communication: Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective marketing channels available to startups. Compared to traditional advertising Read More …

What is the role of digital marketing in promoting App downloads and Engagement?

What is the role of digital marketing in promoting App downloads and Engagement - ProiDeators

Digital marketing has the power to influence the audience and transform traditional style of marketing into digital. This is because of its ability and features that every digital platform brings to the table. Digital plays a crucial role to promote apps that drive user engagement and utilize diverse strategies to reach their targeted audience. By using different digital channels apps can be promoted easily that can make an audience to download and can build the connections as well. Here are key feature in which digital marketing contributes to the success of app marketing: App Store Read More …

Digital Marketing Skills at Proideators helped me to Increase My Company Sales – Abhishek Jha


Meet Mr. Abhishek Jhaa brilliant, dedicated and committed Social Media Executives. He is working in Gusto Solutions Private Limited as Operation and social media executive. Recently Joined ProiDeators to enhance his skills in digital marketing. During one of our Talk Shows we have asked Abhishek to share his journey with us. Let’s read his story in his own words: Welcome to ProiDeators Talk Show, before taking this ahead can you describe yourself? My name is Abhishek Jha and I have been working at Gusto Solutions private limited as operations and social media executive for the Read More …