Today Digital marketing is one of the booming sectors all across the world! People are taking initiative to learn the digital concept and utilize their skills in the respective domains. This platform is designed for every person who wanted to achieve success in his career. We are here to share the story of Mr. Pooja who is an entrepreneur and decided to pursue the digital marketing course to enhance his skills and nurture his business ideas.
Let’s find out more about his experience:
ProiDeators Team: What at first attracted you to choose digital marketing as your career?
Pooja replied: Well to be honest, as an entrepreneur I was in the industry from past couple of years but as the things are changing we have to get some improvement in our skill sets. As a business person I always heed towards the growth and development to achieve the prospective business goals. To fulfill those needs I opt for digital marketing course.
ProiDeators Team: How did you hear about us and what made you to choose us from others?
Pooja Replied: ProiDeators had a good reputation in the market and it is one of the globally recognized institutes based in Thane, Mumbai. I researched a lot about the institute which can offer me the best training as well as which can be fitted within my budget. I step into the class, clarified all my doubts and also had a great conversations with one of their faculty member. I was completely convinced and made my mind to go for it.
ProiDeators Team: Tell us about your favorite experience you had with us, whether as a learner or as a customer?
Well, I had a great experience in the institute as a learner because I got a Practical exposure in the class that helps my business a lot. Thus as a customer it’s a good Place to invest in your career.
Proideator Team: Would you consider ProiDeators as a trusted & reliable resource for Digital marketing training? And Why?
Yes, definitely I would consider ProiDeators as a trusted and reliable resource for digital marketing to invest as a career.
Because as an entrepreneur, it was always a challenge for me to target the potential audience! I am very good in my work but digitally I was lacking & these guys are really helpful. So I would suggest every business person if they are truly searching something that can help their businesses to raise their bar than you must opt for digital marketing course from ProiDeators.
Proideators Team: If you were to review our training program, what score would you give it out of 10?
Pooja Replied: I would rate 9 out of 10.
Proideators Team: What advice would you like to give other from business prospective?
Pooja replied: if you desire to enhance your business globally and locally than you must try exploring these digital platforms because they serve you the best than any other medium.
Finally as a team we feel like the conversation should go on and on but since we have to end up our show so Thank you Pooja for sharing a wonderful experience with us! It was a Pleasure talking to you and we wish you all the very Best of Luck for your business and future endeavors.