Whenever you are starting out to launch a new product, there are many factors to consider that could potentially influence your customer’s decision making. Now, one of the better ways t achieve such is through social proof.
What Exactly is Social Proof?
We all have heard about the herd mentality at a certain point in our lives. The same mindset is applied when it comes to social proof. Social Proof contains several methods through which a customer can be influenced by their peers acting in the same manner. Take, for instance, if two e-commerce websites are selling the same product, but the later one has more reviews as compared to that of the first one. So, what do you think? From which website people are more likely to buy?
Different Ways to Use Social Proof
Here is a list of some of the different ways in which one can use social proof and enhance their brand’s credibility:
1) Celebrity Endorsement
While talking about celebrities, don’t think about all those huge Bollywood or Hollywood superstars. Yah you can definitely do that, but it would probably cost you your entire life’s savings for them to promote your products.
Instead, we are talking about people who have great social media followings. Talk to them to promote your products, and there is a more chance of getting them to say yes. Once their followers have a look at your product, you can easily get a lot of potential customers.
2) Be Transparent
Don’t feel shy talking about your products. Show people the real statistics and let the numbers do the talking. Take, for instance, if you have your own brand website, try to how the real-time count of the products or services sold so far.
Create your homepage for both of your website and social media account showing how much you care for the people. Let them how your services or products can benefit them at the end, and so on.
3) Give Visual Proof of What You are Selling
One can say that humans are the only creatures in the world who could be easily seduced through visualization. This is why it has also become the era of memes, visual novels and much more. So, if that is the case, then why not use it for your own benefits. Click a picture of the product or services you are selling along with the before and after results of implementing them in people’s lives.
You would be simply amazed to see how much these could influence people.
4) Create Customer Interaction Along With Feedback
Even in the 21st century, there are several companies out there who treat their customers as the product itself. Don’t ever try to follow that path. Try to interact with your customer and get their feedback. If they are happy with your product, it’s ok, but if they are not, try to make the necessary changes that they might love.
Understanding social proof is pretty simple on its own but implementing it in the right place at the right time is what matters the most. One might think that social proof is optional, but when it comes to your brand’s credibility, it is the most crucial thing to consider.
It is all about giving your customer the social validation of why your products or services are better than the other. Once you have grasped the concept of social proof, you are good to go.